Where Does Your Public Washroom Rank in The Public Eye?

Whether it’s an office washroom, one in a restaurant, or simply a random public washroom nearby, they tend to have a huge impact on users. It may even be the smallest, and seemingly insignificant, room in the building, yet people always have something to say about public washrooms. Either it’s really good or absolutely horrific. People’s opinions about the bathroom can be a deciding factor about whether or not they return to your establishment again. Let’s take a look at everything your guests consider when formulating an opinion on your public washroom. 


It shouldn’t come as a surprise that cleanliness in a public toilet has an immense impact on the perception of not only the washroom but your entire establishment. If your facility doesn’t pay attention to how clean and sanitary the washroom is, how can users be sure that other areas of the establishment aren’t just as alarming? People may make personal hygiene mistakes at home, but as a facilitator, it’s important to ensure there aren’t any health and hygiene violations in your establishment. That includes, but is not limited to, having dry sinks, clean floors, clean stalls and toilets, empty trash bins, and regular cleaning procedures throughout the day by your custodians. Also, ensure that all the necessary products that people need to maintain their hygiene are fully stocked or working, that includes hand dryers, paper towels, and toilet paper. 


Bathrooms are certainly the one place where proper ventilation is key. Not all establishments have an exterior-facing wall where a window can be installed, but if you do, a window is a cost-effective and natural form of ventilation. But we’re afraid that won’t be enough on its own. You need to install a ventilation system in the washroom to maintain a healthy environment. Ventilation is necessary to rid the crowded, small space of unpleasant odours, germs, bacteria, and anything else that may be lingering in the air. No one wants to step into a washroom that feels so stuffy to the point that it feels unhygienic. 

Renovation and Appliances

Your public washroom design, along with the brands (and quality) of appliances that you use, can determine how highly the public ranks your washroom. This just shows how much you are willing to invest for the comfort of your guests, which makes them feel appreciated and provides them with a positive atmosphere to take care of their basic needs. A compelling tile design, lighting, sink design, reputable soap brand, and state-of-the-art hand dryers and toilets are all additional things you can offer to take your public washroom to the next level. While the washroom is small, it’s easy to spend thousands of dollars on high-end and efficient appliances alone. Offering extra perks is optional but can boost public opinion and how much people appreciate your washroom. That includes a free women’s menstrual product dispenser, for example. The sky is the limit with what you can offer. 


Each country has its own accessibility requirements and recommendations, and it’s best to uphold them if you don’t want to receive complaints and even reports about your establishment. Any guest deserves to be able to take care of their basic needs and utilize the public washroom. A few main things to take into account are the height of sinks and appliances, the presence of a special needs’ washroom or cubicle, wheelchair access to and from the washroom, and so on. A lot of establishments with limited property space often neglect the necessity of creating accessible toilets, which can repel a diverse range of people from visiting your establishment. 

Now that you know about all the factors that can make or break users’ opinions about your public washroom, you can evaluate if your establishment ticks all of the boxes. If yes, chances are that your public toilet satisfies the needs of your foot traffic. Take a look at the areas that you can improve to ensure that guests always return to your establishment, and something seemingly small like a washroom is not repelling them from returning ever again.

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