Buy now, pay later with PayPal

Buy what you love now. 
Pay later.

Time and flexibility are on your side. From varying interest rates, get what you want and break the payments up over weeks or even months.

No late fees

When you choose Pay in 41 or Pay Monthly2 there’s no risk of late fees. It’s that simple.

Widely available

Shop at your favorite brands, enjoy now, and pay later.

Quick decision

You won’t have to wait long to see if you’re approved.1,2

Backed by paypal

Get Purchase Protection on eligible purchases.3

Pay at a pace that works for you


Pay in 4

One payment down, 3 more to go. Split purchases between $30-$1,500 into 4 interest-free, bi-weekly payments without the hassle of late fees.

Pay Monthly

Buy bigger, breathe easier. Enjoy the ease of 6,12, or 24-month payment plans, $0 down, and no sign-up or late fees.2

It’s a cinch to manage your plans

Manage payments in the app or online, with the benefit of autopay, to confidently keep track of your payments.